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Is landing a high-level leadership role on your career bucket-list?

It should be!

If you've got a dream in your heart that involves:


-An impressive job title

-& the confidence that you have what it takes to nail it

...then you're in the right place.

(and keep reading, because we've got work to do!)

Let me soon as you allow yourself to dream about elevating into a leadership role, you automatically start thinking:

Am I really capable?

Do I really deserve a seat at the table?

Can I really do this?

What if I mess things up?

If you have these thoughts - I want to share something with you that you might struggle to believe - but hear me out:

The doubt you're experiencing is totally normal.

I know it seems like your coworkers have it all together and you're the only one swimming in a giant messy pool of self-doubt...


I know for sure if you're reading this, there's a deeper part of you that does believe in your ability to succeed.

Maybe it is SUPER hard to trust that part of you, and maybe right now the self-doubt feels heavy and big.

But that's OK.

Because the work we're here to do is to help you grow internally stronger so you can stop letting that doubt interfere with the growth & career path you desire.

If you're ready to become unstoppable in the face of doubt so you can show up big & bold in pursuit of your next leadership role, the Leadership Lab was created for you.

The Leadership Lab is a professional development program that'll guide you through the mindset work AND leadership skills you need to accelerate your path to promotion and THRIVE in a leadership role.

The Leadership Lab is for you if you want to:

  • Feel confident and secure in your ability to execute as a leader
  • Attain mastery of the key leadership skills you need to thrive in an executive role
  • Demonstrate leadership potential to your boss and key leaders at your organization
  • Elevate your performance while decreasing your experience of impostor syndrome, perfectionism, & stress
  • Develop deep-seated confidence that doesn't flounder through the day-to-day highs and lows
  • Consistently take the strategic actions that are necessary to accelerate your path to promotion
  • Inspire others as you develop and become known for YOUR unique leadership style

The Leadership Lab is a small cohort-based coaching program where you get to focus on growing and changing from the INSIDE.

Most professional development programs are incredibly surface level.

The problem is - surface-level frameworks and tactics are NOT sufficient if you’re someone who errs on the side of type-A, anxious, perfectionist, or doubtful.  

In fact, sometimes the surface-level tactics & frameworks end up making you feel worse - like something’s wrong with you for having internal struggles that cause you to spin & spiral and prevent you from actually applying the tools.  

In this program, you finally get to work through the mental ick that’s holding you back so you can feel strong and capable from the inside out, and so you can bring the absolute best of yourself to the work you do.

Curious how we make that happen?

The Leadership Lab is a curriculum-based program where you'll be guided through 3 potent phases of transformation:


Think Like a Leader

All good leaders MUST know how to navigate impostor syndrome, self-doubt, perfectionism, procrastination, and second-guessing (because everyone experiences these things!). In phase 1, you'll develop a rock-solid mindset so these mental obstacles do NOT prevent you from unleashing your brilliance and showing people the potency of your leadership capabilities.


Execute Like a Leader

You'll learn the 4 foundational leadership skills: setting vision, navigating ambiguity, managing stakeholders, and solving problems. You'll identify where you're strong and where you have room to grow across these areas. You'll develop a personalized (and motivating!) action plan to help you show up bigger and bolder in your day-to-day so the impact you're creating is undeniable.


Build Relationships (manage up) Like a Leader

You'll learn how to strategically build and nurture the stakeholder relationships you'll need to get ahead in your company (because you need to be doing this if you want to grow!)

You'll also learn how to manage up so you can keep your stakeholders happy without overworking or burning yourself out. We want your path towards leadership to feel manageable and sustainable.

The Leadership Lab curriculum will teach you tangible skills WHILE helping you build the inner confidence you need to feel confident & ready to level up into your next big position.

If you're ready to experience MORE confidence, LESS stress, and the sheer excitement of becoming a role model & admired leader in your space, then this is the program for you.

Curriculum, tuition, & logistics

If you're ready to stop trying to figure it out on your own and treat yourself to the luxury of a guided, curriculum-based experience, then you'll love the layout of this program.

Once inside, you'll be guided through a step-by-step learning process. The curriculum is taught live by Jess every week in a very small cohort of 5-7 women max

(this is currently the most intimate way to work with Jess outside 1:1 coaching)

Through this experience, you'll immerse yourself in a process that combines learning & training with executive-style group coaching to help you tap into the absolute best of your capabilities.

Here's everything you get in the program:

Program curriculum: A 6-month guided curriculum covering psychology-based mindset work and world class leadership development training. Click here to view the curriculum.

Live sessions: meet with Jess and your cohort live every week as you immerse yourself in the curriculum. Live sessions means you get deeper inspiration, better accountability, and the opportunity to ask questions and get personalized help from Jess in real-time.

Private online community: Stay accountable and inspired between sessions in our private Slack community. Feel confident and at ease knowing you're not alone - you have a group of likeminded, supportive peers to bounce ideas off and get input from.

Unlimited written coaching from Jess: get personalized written coaching from Jess in our online community anytime you need it between sessions. No matter what obstacle comes up during the workweek - you'll have expert guidance right at your fingertips to help you navigate through it with ease.

The Leadership Lab Workbook: Lifetime access to the program workbooks & session recordings so the learnings stay fresh and the growth endures long after the program is complete.

Tuition & timing:

Regular enrollment: $3500

Monthly payment options are available.

We kick off in the Fall of 2024. In your application, you'll indicate what days/times you're available for sessions and we'll choose what works best for the majority (if offered a spot, you'll have a chance to review the official session time before you enroll).

Transitioning into leadership is not just about that next title change.  It’s about a deeper change in your confidence, your identity, and your belief in what you’re capable of as a professional.

The Leadership Lab is not just a space where you'll learn empowering skills & tools. It's a space where you'll practice showing up as a bigger, bolder version of yourself. Best of all, you'll get to do so alongside accomplished female professionals who are cheering you on every step of the way.

The injection of motivation you'll get from being in an energy-infused, growth-oriented environment will catalyze your growth and ignite that inner spark you need to show up big so you can bolster your reputation & get ahead professionally.

Hi, I'm Jess, and I help ambitious female professionals thrive as they uplevel into leadership roles.

For me it’s all about helping the women who are ambitious but also incredibly doubtful - because that’s who I used to be.

I had big dreams about the leader I wanted to become in my corporate career, but before I could make those dreams a reality, I had to re-build my relationship with myself and learn to actually believe that I’m capable.  

This is why my work is not for women who already feel confident and like they have it all together.  It’s for women who doubt themselves, but who also know they are so much better than they’re giving themselves credit for and who want to challenge themselves to stop playing small and start showing up BIGGER.

If you're ready to be motivated, inspired, and pushed to reach for your fullest potential WHILE being surrounded by women who are cheering you on, I'd be delighted to invite you into The Leadership Lab experience.


Have a question that isn't answered below? Reach out to

What is the timing & when do we start?

The early enrollment period will be open from August 26-August 30th - make sure to apply before August 30th to save $500 off tuition.

We kick off the first week of October.  The session time will be chosen based on what works best for the group (you’ll have a chance to review the session time before finalizing your decision to enroll). 

What is the weekly time commitment?

Each week we’ll have a 75 minute Zoom session led by Jess.  With the exception of one or two important assignments, the weekly homework is designed to take 15 minutes max.  

What if I miss a session?

I encourage you to join in person as often as you can, but all sessions will be recorded and uploaded so you can watch any sessions that you’ve missed.

Will I get 1:1 coaching?

Because the group size is so small, there will be many opportunities in our small group sessions to get help with your specific challenges.

You can also get written coaching from Jess 24/7 in our online Slack community.

How is this program different than your other program, The Art of Speaking Up Academy?

The two programs are focused on different skillsets:

  • The Art of Speaking Up Academy is focused on verbal communication skills (e.g., exuding confidence, being polished & concise, being top-down, speaking assertively).
  • The Leadership Lab is focused on leadership skills (e.g., setting vision for your work, executing complex initiatives, managing up & networking with key stakeholders).

Can I join this program if I've already completed The Art of Speaking Up Academy?

Yes! This is a different program with an entirely different curriculum. Many of the participants who join have already completed The Academy.

I'd like to participate but I'm unable to afford the tuition.

Shoot me an email at - I may have sliding scale availability.