The Art of

Speaking Up


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Build confidence, elevate your verbal communication, and become a thought leader in the room.

Your voice is your most important professional asset.

When you start your career, working hard is how you get ahead.  You can lay low in meetings, do solid work, and still manage to overdeliver in your job.     

But there comes a point where you can’t continue to grow just by working the hardest.   

As you rise into middle management and beyond, having a confident, assertive voice matters way more than your willingness to work the hardest. 

A strong voice and rock-solid communication skills are how you show your boss you're ready for that next promotion. 

Your voice is your key to transitioning from hard-working employee, to powerful leader.

This thought can be anxiety inducing if you identify as being quiet, introverted, or shy.

It’s easy to convince yourself that maybe you don’t want to grow or get promoted, because that would mean bigger meetings and more pressure to be a confident, assertive voice in the room.

But here's the thing...

If you're being super honest with yourself, you know that you are not content stagnating in your career.

Deep inside, there's a part of you that wonders if you're capable of more.

If you feel this way, here's what I want you know:

Learning to communicate in a way that puts you on a path to leadership is 100% possible for you.

No matter your starting point, you are fully capable of developing a voice that propels you upwards towards more success, more promotions, and more lMPACT.

If you're ready to develop an authentic, effective communication style that fuels a thriving, upwardly mobile career - The Art of Speaking Up Academy was created for women like you.

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Becoming a powerful communicator is possible for you, even if you find yourself:

  • Struggling to articulate your ideas effectively
  • Ruminating after meetings & interactions, worrying that you did it wrong or sounded awkward
  • Comparing yourself to your colleagues and feeling like you're not as eloquent
  • Struggling to assert yourself
  • Getting the same repeated feedback that if you want a promotion, you need to speak up and stand out more

These struggles can be incredibly frustrating - but they don't mean you're destined to be stuck.

Learning to communicate powerfully and effectively is a skill just like any other. At the beginning, it feels hard, but with practice - even someone who's shy or introverted can shine.

Inside The Art of Speaking Up Academy, you'll follow a step-by-step curriculum that'll help you speak up more often and exude confidence, authority, & leadership when you do.

Effective communication is not something you're either born with or you're not. It's a learnable skillset that'll amplify your impact and accelerate the trajectory of your career for years to come.

Inside The Art of Speaking Up Academy, you'll follow my signature process designed to help you:

  • Deepen your self-confidence so you have the courage to speak up more frequently
  • Exude more confidence when you speak (even if you don't have all the answers)
  • Articulate your ideas clearly and succinctly
  • Communicate in an executive-friendly, top-down way
  • Get better at confidently speaking off-the-cuff
  • Assert yourself in a way that's authentic WHILE also commanding respect
  • Navigate conflict and disagreement with leadership and finesse

The Art of Speaking Up Academy is unlike other programs that focus only on surface-level skills.

You don't need another stuffy corporate training. You need tools to ignite that spark of motivation inside you so you can drop into your next meeting buzzing with self-confidence.

You're ready to stop hiding, and own those high-stakes work conversations so powerfully that other women start seeing you as their role model.

You're ready for more than just communication skills.

You're ready for growth.

You're ready for confidence.

You're ready to find out what you're truly capable of.

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Inside The Academy, you'll learn 4 key things that'll help you go from a communiation style that's

  • Quiet
  • Hesitant
  • Wordy
  • Forgettable

to one that's crisp, compelling, and shows your boss & coworkers that you have what it takes to LEAD.

Here's what you'll learn so you can achieve this:


Unstoppable Confidence

No more hiding.

No more missing opportunities to speak up & get noticed.

You'll learn to tackle self-doubt with warrior-like determination so nothing can stop you from using your voice to make an impact.


Executive Presence

Ever feel your voice getting quiet and your body language shrinking when it's time to speak?

You'll learn to push past the impulse to make yourself small and instead learn to make yourself BIG.

This will help you exude the confidence, certainty, and expertise you need to be respected as a thought leader.


Executive Communication

No more winding, unstructured communication.

No more speaking in circles.

No more saying something brilliant and having it go unnoticed.

Learn how to communicate in a way that's crisp and compelling enough to impress everyone all the way up to the CEO of your company.


Assertiveness that's Authentic

You're fiercely determined to get things done in your role. Now it's time to bring that same fierce determination to your communication style.

Don't worry - you don't have to be aggressive or inauthentic to be assertive. You'll learn to assert your point of view in a way that's persuasive, collaborative and authentic to YOUR natural personality.

What you'll experience inside The Academy:

  • The Art of Speaking Up Academy curriculum taught LIVE by Jess

The 4-part Academy curriculum is taught LIVE weekly by Jess. This means you're getting the highest quality instructional format PLUS a heaping dose of inspiration every single week so you can leave each session with a fiery spark of confidence & motivation.

You'll learn the foundations of mindset work so you can rise above self-doubt and use your voice to make unstoppable impact in your role. But we won't stop there - you'll also learn easy-to-apply communication frameworks that'll help you speak in a way that's confident, concise, & compelling (even to an executive-level audience).

No more wondering if you're doing it right - you'll learn to communicate sharply enough to set a new standard at your company.

If you're ready for lasting change that goes beyond the basic tips & hacks, then this is the curriculum for you.

  • Online community + daily coaching via Slack

You'll stay motivated and inspired between sessions inside our private Slack community. You'll celebrate your wins, get advice from your peers, and have a place to go whenever you want an outside perspective.

But it doesn't end there - you can ping Jess anytime in our Slack channel to get same-day written coaching in between the live group sessions so you feel extra supported no matter what challenge pops up at work. Whether it's a high-stakes meeting, or a scary conversation with an executive - you'll have expert help in your back pocket so you go in feeling capable and ready.

  • Lifetime Access to The Academy Curriculum Materials

You'll have lifetime access to The Academy private podcast AND Workbook so you can reinforce your growth for years to come.

The Academy Curriculum materials are specifically designed to fit within your busy schedule. I know you have a LOT going on - so you get to decide which format fits best with your lifestyle and learning preferences. If you're super busy, you can squeeze in podcast lessons on-the-go for quick and easy learning between sessions.

Don't worry - you won't be overloaded with homework inside this program. The private podcast and workbook are there as an additional, bonus resource to help you go even deeper on the topics that matter to you most.

You'll also get these bonuses when you enroll in the upcoming cohort:

  • The Executive Communication Quick & Easy Cheat Sheet

Every conversation you have with executives is an opportunity to make an impression that'll grow your reputation at your company. Strong executive communication doesn't need to be hard or complicated - a few simple tweaks are all you need to be wildly effective. This time-saving cheat-sheet will help you make your slides, talking points, and meeting agendas executive-friendly so you can nail those big conversations each and every time.

  • The Mindset Reset Worksheet

Ready to say bye to self-doubt? The mindset reset worksheet will help you tap into confident, CEO energy before those big meetings and conversations. It's perfect for those moments when you need a rapid injection of confidence, and you need it quickly.

  • Bonus workshop: Persuasion and Influence

Persuasion skills will take your voice AND career to the next level. Whether it's a job interview, an ask for a promotion, or a project you need approval on - when you know how to influence to get a YES, your career trajectory accelerates. In this pre-recorded bonus workshop, you'll learn how.

  • Some other surprises that you'll find out about when you begin!

I LOVE the element of surprise so can't share much more about this one but can't wait to reveal it to you ;-)

Tuition & Logistics

Payment plan: 6 payments of $600

Pay in full: 1 payment of $3500

Next Cohort begins in October 2024.

We kick off the last week of October, wrap up mid-May, & meet 3 times a month.

All sessions are on Tuesdays from 4pm - 5:15pm PST.

View the complete session-by-session curriculum here.

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Your voice is your express pass to a satisfying, lucrative career.

Strong communication skills are a non-negotiable if you want to thrive and succeed in a corporate setting. 

A strong voice means the ability to:

  • Stand out as a thought leader
  • Take on more complex projects
  • Impress leadership at your company

Over time, this translates to stronger performance reviews and faster upward mobility.

For the right person, the investment in The Art of Speaking Up Academy will pay off for years to come in the form of faster promotions, higher quality roles, and deeper job satisfaction.

Your voice is your ticket to the professional big leagues and I'm determined to help get you there.

Here's what past participants have shared about the program:

I had been itching to understand what it meant to have executive presence, and when I saw that Jess was hosting a 6-month workshop about finding my voice at work and using it to influence, boost my confidence, and practice having executive presence, I knew I had to learn more.

The past 6-months have been one of the best investments in my life. I've been able to find my unique strengths that I bring to a workplace without feeling like I need to emulate a certain "leader" at my company.

I also now have vocabulary for times when I feel stuck or unmotivated to deliver results because I'm fearful of failure. I have tools under my belt to overcome my challenges in real-life situations.

And lastly, I now have found a community of women who are experiencing the same challenges I face and are in it together to overcome our insecurities to be even better leaders at work.

Highly recommend to anyone looking to elevate their communication skills.

— Diana S., September 2023 Cohort

One of the biggest reasons I joined the program was because I was sick of holding myself back in my career.

I wanted to become a more confident communicator - someone that could explain things simply, yet effectively. I also wanted to stop second guessing myself and to be more confident of the work I was presenting.

I’m so happy to have made the investment in myself for not one but two rounds of the program. I’m proud of my accomplishments and how much I've grown in the last year:

  • I no longer second guess myself
  • I’m not afraid to advocate for myself and what I need in my professional and personal life
  • I’m more kind and patient with myself
  • I’m more comfortable with being uncomfortable and trying new things
  • I celebrate all wins no matter how small or big

Shoutout to the wonderful Jessica Guzik and the academy that she runs. I’m so thankful our paths crossed and for her help on my career journey. ❤️

— Anonymous participant, January 2022 Cohort

This program exceeded my expectations in terms of learnings and experience.

Jess is an amazing coach and I am so incredibly thankful for all the great learnings during this program. The mix of theory, individual coaching and group exercises works beautifully together.

I have grown a lot during the last 6 months and hearing from & sharing among similar minded women has been just amazing.

Thank you Jess for all the hard work, professionalism and dedication given during this program. I will remember this for a very very long time!

— Anonymous participant, July 2022 Cohort

I was pleasantly surprised at how the program tapped into the psyche and made an impact to one's confidence.

You opened up everyone's ability to open our minds from an "I can't and I am less than" thinking, to an "I can and I believe in myself" attitude.

Jess Guzik, your podcast/Art of Speaking up program change lives! Thank you and I feel lucky to be a part of your program.

— Anonymous participant, January 2022 Cohort

The tools I teach inside The Academy are ones you won't find anywhere else.

I combine my expertise in executive communication with my knowledge in mindset, psychology and improv theater to help you develop a voice that's as authentic as it is powerful.

BTW - Hi there - I’m Jess!

I've accomplished some pretty epic things in my career

  • Got a JD from Columbia, with honors
  • Worked at major global companies like McKinsey and Disney
  • Became a corporate executive at age 32
  • Was featured in the New York Times in January of 2023
  • Have performed improv in front of live audiences at Los Angeles's flagship UCB Improv theater

I understand what it’s like to feel stuck in fear, self-doubt, and shyness because I spent the first several years of my career hiding and performing way below my full potential.

Through years of inner work, professional successes (and failures), and time spent cultivating my voice as a podcast host and theater performer, I transformed from the inside out, rebuilding my self-confidence and finding a confident voice that feels like ME. 

My inner growth massively accelerated my advancement in the 9-5 space (and quite frankly, changed my life).

Now I’m a full-time coach dedicated to helping other women find their voice at work. 

It would be my honor to support you in finding a voice that makes you feel on FIRE and empowers you to bring your unique genius to the surface at work. 

The Art of Speaking Up Academy is designed to be a nonjudgmental space where you can come as you are.

If you feel scared you'll be the only one who is struggling with insecurities and fears - you can take an exhale, because you'll be surrounded by women who are similar to you and who get it.

Inside this program, we consider it normal to experience fears, obstacles, and struggles (even the big, messy, overwhelming ones)

Once you're inside, you'll have tools and support so you can tackle those fears & obstacles.

This program is the place where you get to decide that your fears don't get to dictate the rest of your career.

If you're ready to rise above your doubts and prove to yourself that you can speak like a capable, badass leader - then this space was designed for you.

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What time are the live sessions & what's the weekly time commitment?

Call times vary by cohort - check the "Tuition & Logistics" section above to see the latest information on call times.

Because the reality is that most working professional women are busy, the program is designed in a way where the weekly homework is optional. The weekly homework takes about 30-60 minutes. But - even if you have minimal time for homework, you'll get a ton out of the program simply by showing up to the sessions with an open mind and eagerness to learn.

How many women will be in the program?

10 women max. It's a big enough group size so you feel energized and inspired, but also intimate enough that you're able to get personal guidance and attention from Jess.

Will I have to speak during the sessions?

You will never be called on or forced to contribute if you don't want to (that is NOT my coaching style....for me that's just...yuck.)

You get to approach the program in a way that feels comfortable to you. We have a "cameras off" policy:

If you're having an off day, you can turn your camera off and participate as an audience member.

BUT... ;-)

you might really surprise yourself and realize that you actually WANT to speak and interact during the sessions :) (that is a very common experience inside this program and it's one of my goals behind the program design. Speaking in our sessions will help you speak more freely at work.)

What if I miss a live session?

I recommend you attend every session you can, since that's where the bulk of your growth will happen. That said, if you do have to miss a session you'll have lots of support so you don't fall behind: you'll be able to watch the session recording, listen to that week's topic on the private podcast, and you'll be able to ask questions and get caught up in our private Slack community.

But make sure you can join the majority of the sessions. This program is designed to be a live experience.

I REALLY want to join but I just can't make the call time work.

If this is the case, please send me an email at - I will take this into account when I open up future cohorts of the program. I would love for you to be able to join a future round!

I want to join but I'm unsure if I can afford this.

Making the leap to invest in a program like this can feel scary. What it really boils down to is trusting yourself to make strong decisions that support the career and life that you want to create.

Many past participants have had the program cost subsidized by their employer - email me at for documentation that'll help you get approval from your company.

If participating in this program would compromise your financial stability, email me at to learn how you can apply for a sliding scale spot.

Will this program help me eliminate stage fright?

The Academy curriculum isn’t designed to eliminate stage fright – it’s designed to help you master the art of executive communication, and feel more confident about yourself.  For many past participants, the tools they’ve learned had the side-effect of reducing their stage fright -- but if your primary goal is to eliminate stage fright, this program is probably not the best fit.  If you’re unsure, I encourage you to reach out to me at and I can help answer your questions.

Help! I can't decide if this is right for me.

I want you to make sure this program is a good fit for you before you make the decision to join, so please reach out to me at if you have questions. 

Because it’s a capped cohort and because most cohorts fill up, I don't offer refunds or cancellations once you sign up.  So hit me up with any concerns or questions you have and we’ll sort it out together. 

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